Recap of the Panther Protocol AMA with Blockchain Space

Bullish Space
8 min readApr 9, 2021

On Friday, April 9th, we had the pleasure to welcome to our Telegram chat:

Anish Mohammed, The Co-Founder of Panther Protocol and

Laurent Rochat, The Marketing Lead for Panther Protocol.

We asked them questions about the development of Panther Protocol.


Q~ Briefly introduce yourselves, a bit of your backgrounds and how you got into crypto?


LRT : Alright, so my name is Laurent Rochat, and I look after Marketing for Panther.

I’m passionate about people and technology, and a long term privacy advocate. When you realize how data can be used to influence perceptions and behaviors, you want to do something about it..

I have 15+ years of experience in Marketing and Strategy at executive level and I provide strategic advice to dozens of teams in Fortune 500 companies across verticals and geographies.

I have founded, the first Marketing Insights consultancy to start accepting Bitcoin payments in 2014 and I have been an Ambassador for Ocean Protocol since 2018. I’ve led the Ambassador program redesign, and endorsed leadership over its outreach branch. I am also the co-creator of Web3 education hubs and, as well as the Geneva Behavioral Economics professional network. I have been teaching assistant for statistical inference, and a regular lecturer at different universities in Europe including HEC Paris, covering behavioral economics, new product development and strategic data analysis.

Anish Mohammed : I’m Anish Mohammed, I Co-Founded Panther Protocol and I am handling the Technology and Architecture for Panther. Spent two decades in security and cryptography. I spent half of my career researching cryptographic algorithms and protocols at three different research groups including Microsoft Research. I have advised and worked for various banks and financial institutions including AIB, HSBC, Lloyds and Zurich.

I was also an early advisor to Ripple (2013) , Ocean Protocol , reviewer of Ethereum Orange paper and was one of the founding members of the UK Digital Currency Association. I’ve been involved in designing or auditing half a dozen blockchain protocols and more than a dozen distributed applications. I am an adjutant faculty at Harbour Space and the head of research at the Information Sciences Institute at SRH Berlin.

Q~ Let’s learn some more about the project. What is Panther Protocol all about in a few simple sentences?

A~ The world could be divided into two halfs — one were there is sense of privacy and another with no sense. The world economy is based on survillaince of data — we want to give average man/worman/person the chance to defend his/her/thier privacy.

So in summary Panther is an end-to-end privacy protocol for digital assets, which can be deployed in a compliant way on any public blockchain. Panther enables the issuance of 1:1 collateralized, zero-knowledge private digital assets (zAssets). Each zAsset follows the ERC20 standard, therefore is composable with DeFi. Panther also offers on-demand dark pools for further privacy. Compliance ready: zAssets can be minted & burned by financial institutions, to respect local KYC/AML regulations.

Q~ How are you different with other projects aiming to solve privacy issues in the space?

A~ Panther is different from other privacy projects in a few ways:

  1. It can provide privacy for any digital asset. Compared to other privacy solutions, Panthers’ privacy universe can expand to really any digital asset on any public layer 1 peerchain with the introduction of new privacy pools for each.
  2. Private interoperability. It’s unlikely that one chain will rule them all, so there will always be a need for cross-chain transactions. Panther will provide privacy to these cross-chain transactions.
  3. It is a compliance ready solution. Panther is compliant in the sense that it provides the ability to users to disclose all their transactions to meet legal requirements in their countries. This is achieved by using Zero-Knowledge proofs technology to extract the transaction history of a user without compromising the privacy of the rest of the network participants. For the on-ramping of assets, Gatekeepers provide another level of protection to ensure that the funds transacted privately in the network do not come from illicit activities.
  4. Strong privacy threshold. Mixing services require a large set of inputs to effectively obfuscate the link between input and output of a transaction. Panther will ensure that a certain privacy threshold is met to allow transactions of a particular zAsset to go through. The tokenomics will incentivize liquidity provision for mixing to ensure there is enough.
  5. Panther allows price discovery for privacy. In most privacy protocols, privacy is not explicitly priced, even if it bears a cost for the user. With Panther, privacy will be priced explicitly through dynamic transaction fees, and paid in PNTR rather than as a fee applied to the transacted digital assets

Q~ Share with us the tokenomics and usecases of the $PNTR token?

A~ The Panther Token is a finite supply, privacy-preserving token used to pay for fees within the Panther ecosystem. It also represents a right to participate in Panther governance, voting on Panther Improvement Proposals (PIPs) and Gatekeeper membership.

We have set maximum supply of PNTR is 1B tokens and it is expected to be hit over a 12 years time-frame. The initial supply of PNTR will be approximately 10% of the total tokens. The final circulating supply will depend on whether we conduct a public sale or not, which hasn’t been firmly set yet.

Q~ Did you raise funds so far? If so, how did you handle them? Are you planning to do any future raises?

A~ Yes, sure. We cannot really go into too much detail here, but we have raised seed funding to establish the project and give us the necessary runway to hire some of the best people in the industry to work for Panther

Also, I’m afraid we cannot discuss any specifics regarding current or future fundraising phases at this point.

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We will keep in touch!


Q~ Many projects rug pulled and exit scam recently. Why should investors trust your project not to do the same?Many projects rug pulled and exit scam recently. Why should investors trust your project not to do the same?

A~ Well its hard one, we have a bunch of legal and regulatory hurdles, which implies our ability to rugpull would be very limited, the gate keepers are insitutionals who would surely do the due deligence on us as team. Btw you could look up as team and what we have done so far. but there is nothing in the world that one could give as an assurance if one doesnt beleive in decentralisation — we are handing the governance over to DAO — and in pure simple economic terms — doing a rugpull doesnt make sense for anyone in the team.

Q~ Panther Protocol is private, why then do Gatekeepers need to verify user KYC/AML compliance, does this not beat the need for privacy ?

A~ Gatekeepers will keep KYC and AML records for their existing customers wishing to mint zAssets to remain compliant. Everyday users can buy and use zAssets from the secondary market with no restrictions.

Q~ Does Panther ensure and protect my financial privacy and how?

A~ I think we described this at high level in answer to how panther is different, some of the details is in the light paper , summary one liner, we use both zeroknowlege proof and game theory as mecahnisms to provide privacy.

Q~ Some people believe that crypto is used for criminal purposes. If panther protocol is built on the basis of privacy to provides untraceable transactions. How would you assist in investigation on hacking or criminal activities with agencies?

A~ Thanks for your question. This is an extremely important one.

We want to offer privacy, but we are not looking to get piracy. So the gatekeepers are used to ensure that all zAssets minted are compliant when they arrive onto the Panther network. This is a first layer of compliance.

A second layer of compliance is that users can reveal their transactions to whoever they want, without compromising the privacy of others. Users of Panther have all they need to remain compliant in their jurisdiction.

Q~ Panther is a fully decentralized protocol governed by token holders. When purchasing Panther tokens, users can vote on proposals using a fair and weighted voting system? What aspects of the project can Panther holders modify and improve?

A~ All the way from voting about prosposals all the way from removing gatekeeper, adding new ones , setting charges , setting privacy thresholds, new impromevments to protocol — the list is long.

Q~ Since panther Wallet is A browser-based wallet what are the mesures taken to prevent dns. servers problems ?

A~ There are many important security considerations in building such privacy infrastructure. This is why we have security experts like Anish, and Arnold Yau, both holding PhD’s in the field 😁

Q~ One of the features that strikes me about Panther is safe custody, I saw that this was achieved thanks to Panther Vaults on chain. Can you tell us how this works to give security to users? How does Panther guarantee to have totally secure contracts?

A~ No contract is secure 100%, no language is computationally secure , there are problems in multiple layers — i published a post on this topic on my linkedin

as for vault we would do TSS — we are a team with quite a bit of experience in security, my team includes my phd office mate a well known cryptographer who broke Ipsec and SSL with padding attacks , you can find my paper on attack on Ipsec on MSR home page.

Q~ What is the future of Panther Protocol ? How can we trust in the project ?

A~ We are going to deploy what we promised.

Panther Protocol is planning to use some of the most advanced technologies available in the blockchain space to redefine what private transactions are. Panther will make cross-chain transactions private, in a way that is 100% compliance compatible, and with full composability with the booming DeFi space.

The project was started by some of the most respectable long term leaders in the industry, they stake their reputation, their time, their personal money on Panther.


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